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X. Explore Case Studies

We have identified case studies from various US cities and linked them here. Some have a total cost of ownership data that can be useful for a local government considering fleet transition. They also outline the entire transition process and address pain points.  ​

A. Columbus, OH
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Columbus, OH has been a regional leader providing a plethora of resources on their website. This page Smart Columbus website has resources focused on making it simple for Columbus region municipalities to electrify their fleets. ​



B. Seattle, WA
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The city of Seattle has been working towards electrification for many years. Two important resources on their website are their Electrification Blueprint which lays out a path for Seattle to electrify transportation at scale. Also, the Green Fleet Action Plan included total cost of ownership calculations for transitioning the fleet to electric.  





C. Denver, CO
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Denver, CO has many resources on its website including information about their electric fleet plan, charging infrastructure locations, EV-ready code, electric car share program and electrifying ride sharing.




D. Minneapolis, MN
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The city of Minneapolis conducted a green fleet study in 2017. The report provides recommendations and cost analysis. 



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