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Charging Forward – October 2023


Greetings! We hope you're enjoying the longer nights and crisp air, and don't forget to change your clocks this weekend! It was a busy month, and we've got some stories and tools to help you "fall-back" in love with your EV. For one, check out the fun new greenhouse gas emissions calculator featured below in the Paving the Way section.

This month we're highlighting two blog posts about the Electrify the South Collaborative in-person event we hosted for local governments in Savannah, Georgia last month. If you're with a local government and are interested in gaining knowledge and peer-to-peer collaboration, we encourage you to join the Collaborative. To learn about our upcoming virtual webinar on November 30, please email Dory Larsen. You can also check out our new Electrify the South Collaborative webpage for panel videos and resources from our first event.

North Carolina topped 70,000 electric vehicle registrations as a growing number of the Tarheel state’s drivers are taking advantage of EV-related tax credits included in last year’s federal Inflation Reduction Act. Take a look at other EV indicators about North Carolina from our “Transportation Electrification in the Southeast” Fourth Annual Report, released with SACE and Atlas Public Policy in September:

All measures include medium- and heavy-duty EVs, except for sales which refers exclusively to new passenger EVs. EV sales includes both battery EVs (BEV) and Plug-in Hybrid EVs (PHEV). Manufacturing Employment and Investment refers to EV assembly, EV parts, EV charging infrastructure, battery manufacturing, and battery recycling facilities. Utility Investment refers to investor-owned utilities only. Totals are cumulative unless stated. Public funding is mostly from federal government or the VW Settlement. The jobs and investment data reflect the total announced jobs investments through June 2023. Data is through June 2023 and growth is taken from July 1, 2022, to June 30, 2023. Source: "Transportation Electrification in the Southeast" 2023 Report.

In addition to data and highlights for North Carolina, click here to dive into the “Transportation Electrification in the Southeast” report, watch the webinar, and see specific state page data for Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama.

As we continue to track the progress of electric transportation growth in the Southeast and beyond, we remain grateful for our readers who stay connected to us and others on Facebook and Instagram. To receive these newsletters in your inbox, click here to sign up!

Charging Forward,

Dory Larsen


Powering the EV Movement

SACE and Partners Earn DOE Grant to Engage Underserved Black Georgia Communities in Creating Equitable Clean Energy Transportation Initiatives

SACE is proud to announce a forthcoming grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to engage, understand, and plan for the equitable electric mobility needs and priorities of underserved Black communities within three Georgia cities – Albany, Atlanta, and Savannah. The partnership will utilize the DOE funding to ensure that underserved Black communities are actively engaged and empowered to create and deploy equitable and accessible electric mobility initiatives. Read more.

Electrify the South Collaborative: Cities and Towns Share Solutions to Drive Change

Representatives from 38 cities and towns throughout the Southeast gathered on September 14 and 15 in Savannah for the Electrify the South Collaborative to share solutions and resources that will help electrify transportation in their communities. The collective problem-solving between local government leaders during this Collaborative is proof that the clean energy transition is indeed accelerating in communities throughout the Southeast, and the event was a prime example of what the Clean Energy Generation movement is all about. Read more.

Electrify the South Collaborative: Digging into Electric Transportation Opportunities, Challenges and the Path Forward for Local Governments

The Electrify the South Collaborative is an ongoing effort among local governments to draw down a proportionate share of federal electric transportation funding. In this blog, we take a deeper dive into the Collaborative discussions around how to build authentic community engagement, barriers to implementing federal funds, insights from state and federal government leaders, and pathways toward solutions and opportunities. Each segment of the Collaborative resulted in a list of takeaways and best practices, reflected in this blog. Read more.

First Responder and Public Safety EV Trainings: SACE Supports Land of Sky Clean Vehicles Coalition’s National Drive Electric Week Events

Western North Carolina’s Land of Sky Clean Vehicles Coalition (LOSCVC) hosted two events that gave first responders, emergency service personnel, and public safety officials an opportunity to learn about electric vehicle technologies, safety, charging, and fleet adoption. To complement the trainings, SACE’s team put the first responders and public safety officials in the driver’s seat for a first-hand experience driving an electric vehicle with an experienced EV driver in the passenger seat. Read more.


Get Plugged-In

EV Fleet Ride & Drive Events In-person events: Nov. 7, 8, and 9

Orlando Utilities Commission (OUC) and the Electrification Coalition will host dedicated fleet EV Ride & Drive events in November highlighting electric vehicles, charging, and other service providers. Ready to get behind the wheel? Click here to RSVP for the date and location of your choice:

EV Fleet Ride & Drive Events

Nov. 7 | Auburndale, FL

Nov. 8 | Auburndale, FL

Nov. 9 | Auburndale, FL RSVP for each date here


Paving the Way

Driving the energy transition, EVs are simply better for the environment

A new study by Rystad Energy found that the positive environmental impact of switching to battery electric vehicles (BEV) from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles is unmistakable. The in-depth research of lifecycle BEV and ICE vehicle emissions considers every stage of the manufacturing process and the vehicle’s operation. The analysis shows that battery-powered vehicles contribute at most half the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) of diesel or gasoline cars across their lifecycle, regardless of the country of operation. As renewable sources replace coal and gas-fired generation, emissions related to the operation of BEVs could drop by 86%. Read more.


SETRI’s "Southeast Portal for Electric Transportation Opportunities" a Finalist for 2023 Cleantech Innovation Awards

SACE is proud to be part of the Southeast Electric Transportation Regional Initiative (SETRI) Southeast Portal for Electric Transportation Opportunities, which was recently announced as a finalist in the transportation category for the Research Triangle Cleantech Cluster (RTCC) 2023 Cleantech Innovation Awards! The Portal serves as an online hub for electric transportation funding, research, events, and other initiatives across the Southeast. Read more about RTCC's Cleantech Innovation Award finalists here, and learn about SETRI's Southeast Portal for Electric Transportation Opportunities here.


Report shows EVs could reach 86% of global vehicle sales by 2030

A recent report X-change: Cars, produced by RMI in partnership with the Bezos Earth Fund, shows that EVs could reach 86% of global new vehicle sales by 2030. Although electric vehicles took roughly six years to get from 1% to 10% of global market share, the analysis estimates that it could take just six more years to reach 80% adoption of new vehicles sold. Read more.


Beyond Tailpipe Emissions Calculator

Use this calculator to estimate the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with driving an electric vehicle (EV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV), including GHG emissions from the production of electricity used to power the vehicle, aka upstream emissions. Enter your ZIP Code, model year, and vehicle to calculate the tailpipe and upstream emissions. Read more.


Kicking Gas

Every month we'll spotlight stories and photos from YOU, our readers, about how EVs play a role in your world. To be featured in an upcoming ETS newsletter, send us an email here! We'll also highlight our partners and allies from our testimonials page and feature photos from events SACE has participated in across the region.

Mayor Makes EV Proclamation for National Drive Electric Week | Charleston, South Carolina

In the spirit of National Drive Electric Week, Charleston, SC Mayor John Tecklenburg issued a proclamation supporting electric transportation and recognizing the weeklong celebration. Expanding the EV industry "is key to achieving city emissions goals, while also increasing quality of life for citizens of Charleston," said Mayor Tecklenburg. SACE's Climate Advocacy Director, Chris Carnevale, commented on the proclamation, noting that EVs "keep hazardous pollution out of our streets and away from our homes and families, and serve as an important tool in addressing the climate crisis." The city hosted a Drive Electric Charleston event on September 23, 2023 at Tradesman Brewing Company to help community members learn more about the benefits of driving electric, with EV owners and industry experts present to answer questions. Read more about the event and watch the mayor's proclamation.

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